Sometimes you get into this zone, right? Where you are like this carniverous beast that can not Satiate its hunger. Like you just want more and more and more. You devour everything in site. Everything you see looks good enough to eat: that coffee in your neighbour's hand; that shriveled apple that has been on the kitchen counter for weeks; that small child running aimlessly dressed up like a big poofy ball of cotton candy.
That's how I felt at H&M on Saturday: except I wasn't hungry for food, I was hungry for jeans, shoes, bags, sweaters, tees and tanks. All weekend I would see someone walking down the street and i would think I wonder where they bought that shirt? I wonder if they have shoes like that at H&M? I wonder if she would sell me her bag if I gave her $20 cash?
I still feel it. I want more. I want everything in two colours and all variations. I thought I would feel a bit glutonous after the mega spree but I don't.
Well, I did for a bit on Sunday but then I went to the Art Gallery and diluted myself into believing I am really not that superficial if I can spend 3 hours in an Art Gallery on a perfectly shop-worthy day.
I still want more. I want to go back again, and again and again.
Maybe it's a good thing there is no H&M here, yet. I need to bring myself back down from this high. I need to curb my appetite for clothes before I end up furtehr into the poorhouse.
And i will.
Starting tomorrow. Right now, eBay and are calling me!