Let me preface this entry with, I know. I know I think too much about random things that most people just gloss over. So be it.
Working at a university, you get a real sense of searching. Everyone is looking for that chance, that opportunity to define themselves or to meet that person that makes everything all of a sudden make sense.
Well, I posit that nothing ever makes sense completely. As much as we all look for something to join , someone to connect with we are all ultimately alon ein our feelings and no one will completely understand them ever; probably not even you.
Take for example when something happens to you and someone else. Something that connects you forever and binds you together over a shared, intimate experience. Even though you feel close and feel connected you are not really. YOur feeling are yours alone and no matter how eloquent or how chatty you may be you will never be able to fully comvey everything you mean to anyone.
Every truth you share is filtered by the listeners' experiences and the listeners' preconceived notions on what you should be sharing.
Have you ever been in that situation where you feel like you are saying you want somespace and the listener hears that you want to move in together?
Truth is a relative term and something that can never be fully shared.