And on Saturday, I will go there again. All the way in coquitlam certainly not as exotic as Montreal or NYC but at least the travel expense is cheaper. Now I am getting kind of worried that I've blown it up in my mind. Maybe H&M won't be as great as I've imagined in my head. Sure we had one perfect day together but can lightning really strike twice?
And will there really be any clothes left? IN Edmonton, they had to close early when the H&M opened because there was literally no more stock on the first day! Can you imagine?
I mean I haven't traveled anywhere this summer and i've had a lot of stress so I feel like going to H&M and when I went to the Virgina Music Festival in May will end up being my summer highlights! Oh, and my Friend's wedding too. But I really hope H&M lives up my lofty expectations.
Two friends have recently returned from H&M trips abroad and have returned with enviable loads of cute stuff spending like $500 or $1000, in one sitting. Will my H&M Coquitlam experience be able to compete?
Only time will tell......