When the King’s of Leon’s lead singer, Caleb Followill sings the opening lines of Use Somebody: “ I’ve been roaming around, I was looking down at all I see/ Painted faces fill the places I can’t reach” I fall in love over and over again.
Even though that song is on every radio station every 20 minutes and without fail at 8:10 am every morning when I am first logging onto my computer at work. I still love it. His voice sounds so tired and aching and scratchy and sexy.
Caleb and his brother Nathan formed KOL in 2000 in Nashville TN. Their father was a Pentecostal evangelist minister and they named their band after him and their grandpa. I have never seen Caleb without his requisit scruff face and when he sings he moves his head around all cute like Stevie Wonder.
They play just regualr rock and don;’t try to get all fancy with hipsters or the sceney crowd in London, NYC or LA.
When they opened for U2, they said it was dream come true ( how many hipsters would admit to having a dream?)
Caleb has some model girlfriend but whatevs. He is supercute and once said his dad was his role model. AWWW!
Caleb Followill is the first Weak in the Knees Wednesday.