Okay, like I'm no scientist and not good at math and whenever someone says I am a genius or a brainiac it's usually because I added something wrong. But i think, sometimes at night, when I close my eyes, I can actually see my brain working. Like these electrodes passing through my eyelids to my brain. It's like all these different rainbow colours and they look like veins or something moving at light speed. It's crazy, right? Or is it? Everything has to go through your brain to happen. And things still happen even when you are asleep. Maybe I am seeing the signals that are sent to my brain telling me to go to sleep or to breathe or to make sure I locked the front door.
They go in all different directions but always up usually stopping at one or more dead-ends before heading off my eyelid path into my brain. Maybe it's like a lot of different signals that meet in my eyelids before travelling together to my brain.
And what makes these signals choose a certain colour? Like is Red an emergency? Or Code Blue? Or is it different for each person?